Weight Loss Injections & Other Weight Loss Treatments

Feel confident about your journey with medical weight loss with Stephanie at 716ology. Stephanie is a trusted member of the Obesity Medicine Association and is up to date with current trends, fads, and procedures.

If you want to lose weight but have struggled to do so, consider weight loss injections. This treatment helps decrease appetite and food cravings, helping you take control of your eating. This makes dieting, exercise and the weight loss process easier.

Why medically assisted weight loss?

 Studies have found that individuals who participate in weight loss programs supervised by healthcare professionals are more likely to achieve long-term weight loss success compared to those who try to lose weight on their own. The structured environment, accountability, and support provided by weight loss clinics can help individuals make sustainable lifestyle changes and develop healthy habits that lead to weight loss.

Our weight loss injections contain the same active ingredient as used in many of the popular name brands.

What is included?

● 1 month supply of weight loss injections  ● Supplies (needles, sharps container, alcohol pads) ● Education and support to create sustainable changes● Personalized workouts

When you visit 716ology for a weight loss injection, we make sure you have everything you need to make the injection process as simple as possible. We go above and beyond to provide our clients with the support, the proper education, and the supplies they need. If you reside in Orchard Park, Hamburg, NY, or the nearby area, we invite you
to visit for weight loss injections.

Weight Loss FAQ

  • Do you accept insurance?

    No, we do accept FSA/HSA, credit cards, cash, cherry financing. If you require bloodwork, that typically will be covered by insurance.

  • What does your program include?

    All supplies needed for success and administration of medication, concierge support, exclusive access to our Facebook support page with monthly challenges, sample recipes, questions answered, etc. 


    • Month 1 $300
    • Month 2 $300
    • Month 3 $325
    • Month 4 $350
    • Month 5 and beyond $400
  • How long does a consultation take?

    Expect to be at the consultation approximately one-half hour.

  • What do we discuss?

    We will go over your health history in depth. We will also discuss your current health and lifestyle habits and develop a plan to help you create sustainable lifestyle changes as well. Please bring any recent lab work you have had and a list of current medication. We discuss how to maximize your results. 

  • Is there a subscription or commitment for any amount of time?

    Nope! We like to meet with you every 3-4 weeks to do a weigh in, discuss your goals, discuss the continued plan for the month, address any questions or concerns you have.

  • What makes me a good candidate?

    Being overweight, having co-morbidities such as sleep apnea, type- 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, PCOS, metabolic syndrome…

  • What is the typical length of time people participate in your program?

    It depends. What you put into it is what you’re going to get out of it. My program certainly makes it more comfortable to workout and lose weight in addition to making it easier.

    This program’s goal is to create SUSTAINABLE lifestyle changes. My program does not expect you to do extended periods of cardio if you are someone that hates cardio. Again, this will be tailored to YOU specifically. 

Come Visit Us Near Hamburg, & Orchard Park, NY

716Ology is ready to help you achieve your aesthetic and wellness goals. We proudly serve clients throughout Orchard Park, Hamburg, West Seneca, East Aurora, Eden, Lake View, Cheektowaga, Williamsville, and Amherst, NY. If you would like to learn more about our Semaglutide injections, we welcome you to give us a call or stop by for a visit. We know losing weight can be tricky, but with the help of our Semaglutide injections and other treatments, we can make your weight-loss goals more achievable.

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